
Rosewood Primary School Believe, Enjoy, Succeed Together - B.E.S.T.


Curriculum Information

Our Curriculum

At Rosewood Primary School we use the National Curriculum (2014) as a starting point for a broad and varied learning experience for our children.  Our curriculum is enriched through our strong ethos based on respect for ourselves and others, equality and a sense of wonder at the world in which we live in. Through our commitment to developing the whole child, our children have the opportunity to be creative, to be physically active and to be academically challenged. 


Our aim is to deliver a well-sequenced, cumulative curriculum which is essential to ensure that all pupils build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that progressively deepen over time.


The relevant national curriculum programs of study are taught. Along with effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development as this helps to prepare our children for life in modern Britain.


We actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  


To find out more about how we promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development across our curriculum and how our curriculum promotes fundamental British values, see the page below.

We hold our school motto Believe, Enjoy, Succeed Together (BEST) at the heart of all we do.  We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their true potential.

For further information about the curriculum for each year group, please see the class pages in the curriculum area of the website or contact our school office for a paper copy.

Curriculum Subjects

We teach the Foundation Stage Curriculum, the National Curriculum and the agreed local syllabus for R.E.

The subjects of English, Maths, Science, Computing, RE, PHSE, PE and Music are taught in specific, discrete lessons.

Art, DT, History and Geography are taught as part of a creative curriculum theme.

It may occasionally be necessary to teach elements of Art, D.T, Geography and History as discrete lessons in order to achieve subject coverage of the National Curriculum.
