Our Mathematics Curriculum Intent
All staff and pupils at Rosewood Primary School have understood and agreed to our vision for mathematics. Pupils and staff understand that mathematics:
Supports pupils’ independence
Gives pupils the tools to solve problems and reason
Helps pupils to become resilient
Helps pupils to become successful mathematicians.
We provide all pupils with an ambitious mathematics curriculum, which meets the needs of all learners, with the hope of providing them with a ‘can do’ approach and belief towards mathematics. Through this, our pupils will have a highly developed understanding of mathematics, using a range of different approaches, to ensure that good or better progress is being made for all. All the teaching of mathematics will meet the needs of the National Curriculum, and will ensure that our pupils can: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, to reason mathematically and to problem solve and apply their learning in a range of different scenarios.
At Rosewood Primary School, maths is taught daily. From Years 1 – 6, the Red Rose scheme is followed which uses a mastery approach to teaching mathematics.
Children in the EYFS continue to develop their understanding of mathematics through continuous provision. The Lancashire Key Learning for Reception is used to provide children with opportunities to achieve the Early Learning Goals for mathematics.
At Rosewood, the expectation is that the majority of pupils will progress through lessons at broadly the same pace. Through ongoing formative assessment, immediate intervention is provided to support children in accessing the age related curriculum. Feedback is given to pupils verbally, through peer/self assessment, through end of unit learning checks and end of term assessments.
Rosewood Mathematics Policy and Curriculum Maps