
Rosewood Primary School Believe, Enjoy, Succeed Together - B.E.S.T.



Writing Intent


At Rosewood, we aim to provide a high-quality English education that enables pupils to effectively express their ideas and emotions, as well as understand and respond to others through reading and listening. Through reading pupils are able to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Literature plays a significant role in this development, while reading also promotes knowledge acquisition and building upon existing knowledge. We believe that all aspects of language skills are essential for pupils to become active members of society, and this is the ultimate goal for children at Rosewood.


Our writing aims and objectives at Rosewood Primary School are:
- Develop confidence and competence in writing across various genres and purposes.
- Enhance children’s ability to use language accurately, effectively, and creatively.
- Foster a love for writing and a desire to communicate effectively through the written word.
- Inspire writing through the use of high-quality texts, audio clips, and visual stimuli.
- Provide regular independent and collaborative writing opportunities across the curriculum.
- Establish a supportive and inclusive learning environment that enables all children’s to thrive and achieve their full writing potential.

Writing Implementation


What does writing look like at Rosewood?

Writing for Purpose

Our curriculum provides learners with rich and varied opportunities to write for purpose. By providing children with the understanding of what they are writing, why they are writing and who they are writing it for, children will develop self-motivation and a love for writing.


The writing journey is at the heart of our English curriculum. Children are given opportunities to plan, draft, write at length and edit and improve. Teachers model high quality writing and have high expectations of the writing every child can produce. Lessons inspire the children with a clear purpose for their writing and ensure that they have the knowledge to put pencil to paper. Vocabulary acquisition in all lessons provides children with a wealth of appropriate vocabulary to use in their writing.


Purpose and Audience

The National Curriculum states that children need to be able to ‘adapt their style and write for different purposes’ and the End of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Framework also asks that children meeting the standard can ‘write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader (e.g. the use of the first person in a diary; direct address in instructions and persuasive writing etc. )


At Rosewood Primary School:



• Teachers model and share the writing process.

• Teachers model how to adapt a particular tone and style.

• Teachers explicitly share the purpose and who the audience is.


Following the long-term writing plan ensures that children build up a coherent understanding of writing for purpose and are able to demonstrate progress against each writing genre. Teachers ensure children are writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences and developing the skills, they need to be able to progress with their writing across key stages and throughout school.

Writing impact


At Rosewood, the expectation is that the children achieve their full potential in writing. We support the children to achieve this through clear progression of skills, ongoing assessments and targeted and timely interventions. Feedback is given to pupils in many different ways to support their writing journey through Rosewood.

Writing in Early Years
