
Rosewood Primary School Believe, Enjoy, Succeed Together - B.E.S.T.



Our Science Curriculum Intent

Science, at Rosewood, develops a sense of excitement, wonder and curiosity, as well as providing children with first hand experiences which help them to understand the world around them.


Children are encouraged to use age-appropriate scientific vocabulary to explain their understanding of different scientific concepts. Science in our school is about providing children with a safe and stimulating environment in which they can explore and investigate. As children progress through school, they learn to  work independently and collaboratively to pose questions, analyse causes and be able to explain what is occurring.


We want to inspire our scientists of the future by developing their knowledge and understanding and highlighting the integral part that science plays in all our lives. 


Rosewood Science Policy and Curriculum Maps

What does Science look like at Rosewood?

All science lessons are practical and promote curiosity and exploration.  

  • Science lessons make use of all resources including the outside space.​ 

  • Science lessons are collaborative with elements of independent work in all lessons.​ 

  • Science knowledge is cumulative. ​ 

  • Pupils behave as scientists by using the 5 enquiry types. ​ ​ 

Parental engagement and enrichment activities: 


At Rosewood, we invest in our pupils today and tomorrow. As part of science enrichment we host STEM Career conversations in UKS2. Pupils leave Rosewood with broad horizons and are aware of a range of career opportunities. In Year 6, pupils participate in a Career Carousel which is used to increase the science capital of pupils highlighting to them that Science/ STEM is for everyone and is everywhere.  







During science units, teachers enrich the curriculum with visitors, workshops and school trips. These enrichment opportunities provide memorable experiences and embed the knowledge and skills of pupils which leads to increased science capital. 
