
Rosewood Primary School Believe, Enjoy, Succeed Together - B.E.S.T.




At Rosewood Primary School, we firmly believe that oracy is a cornerstone of primary education and a vital component in developing primary literacy. By embedding oracy at the heart of our curriculum, we aim to provide children with the skills and confidence to articulate their thoughts, engage in meaningful discussions, and express themselves clearly.


Oracy is not only foundational to reading and writing but also acts as a lever for social mobility, enabling children to access opportunities and succeed in all areas of life. We are committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of background, have the chance to develop strong speech, language, and communication skills.


Guided by recent research, including the findings of the English-Speaking Union (2023), we recognise that language interventions play a direct role in improving school attainment and overall educational outcomes.



We deliver a structured and dynamic approach to developing oracy skills across all year groups. Our strategy includes:

  1. Embedding Oracy Across the Curriculum: Oracy is implicit in every subject, ensuring children have frequent opportunities to speak, listen, and engage in dialogue. From class discussions in English to presenting ideas in science and debating in history, speaking and listening skills are consistently reinforced.

  2. High-Quality Teacher Modelling: Teachers model effective speaking and listening behaviours, demonstrating clear articulation, active listening, and respectful conversation techniques.

  3. Language-Rich Environments: Our classrooms are designed to be language-rich, featuring displays of key vocabulary, sentence starters, and question prompts to support children in using a wide range of language structures.

  4. Targeted Support for Vulnerable Learners: Recognising the importance of equity, we provide tailored support for children with additional needs, including those with speech, language, and communication difficulties. This includes specific interventions delivered by trained staff, such as Speech and Language Therapists or teaching assistants with specialist training.

  5. Celebrating Oracy: We foster a culture where oracy is celebrated through events such as showcase assemblies, debating events, and opportunities for children to present their learning to parents and peers.



The impact of our oracy programme is evident in the confidence and competence of our pupils as communicators. By prioritising oracy, we observe:

  • Enhanced Literacy Outcomes: Children demonstrate improved reading comprehension and writing skills, supported by a stronger vocabulary and an ability to articulate their ideas clearly.

  • Improving Academic Attainment: By using research-backed interventions and a focus on language skills our aim is that these translate into higher attainment across the curriculum, particularly in English.

  • Social and Emotional Development: Pupils develop resilience, empathy, and collaboration skills through structured speaking and listening activities, preparing them for success in secondary education and beyond.

  • Closing the Attainment Gap: Vulnerable learners and those from disadvantaged backgrounds benefit from tailored support, ensuring they are not left behind in their educational journey.


By embedding oracy as a core element of the Rosewood curriculum, we empower our children to believe in themselves, enjoy their learning, succeed academically, and work together as effective communicators in a diverse and dynamic world.

Click below to see the curriculum maps for Oracy from Year R- 6 taken from the National Curriculum and the Key Learning Indicators:
